Women’s Health - Menopause, Pregnancy & Post Natal

While teaching in Singapore in 2016, I started teaching pregnancy and post natal group classes on the reformer. This where my love for teaching pregnant and post natal women blossomed. The more I taught, the more my fascination grew about the female body through pregnancy and the post natal period. After moving back to London in 2019, I was keen to further my interest in this area and undertook further training with Mama’s Pilates, which I completed in 2020 when I was 8 months pregnant.

My first birth was traumatic and I ended up having a caesarean section - but I was driven to fully investigate birth further and my passion for working in this field. I started taking another fully comprehensive course in Menopause, Pregnancy, Post Natal & Women’s Health with The Center for Women’s Fitness in Chicago. This course was created by Carolyne Anthony, world renowned specialist in women’s health and fitness. The course looks at the woman as a whole and looks at myofascial release techniques, the Pelvic Floor, Diastasis Recti, Menopause and of course Pregnancy & Post Natal. At this time I was also teaching my own pregnancy & post natal mat classes.

In 2022 I gave birth to my second baby, which thankfully was a much happier birth! I am incredibly proud to be able to specialise in women’s health and able to look at women’s bodies as an amazing whole system that goes on a complex and empowering journey.

Benefits Of Pilates when Pregnant

Pilates can help you with a wide range of challenges thrown up but this exciting life chapter, building strength, keeping you calm and helping you prepare for labour. Benefits typically include:

  • Pelvic Floor Health

  • Maintaining strength

  • Reducing Back Pain

  • Preparation for Labour

  • Preparation for Postpartum Recovery

Benefits of Pilates in the Post Natal Period

Pilates can be particularly beneficial during the post natal period, helping women regain strength, flexibility, and overall well-being after childbirth. Here are some potential benefits of practicing Pilates postnatally:

  • Abdominal Rehabilitation

  • Pelvic Floor Restoration

  • Posture Improvement

  • Stress Reduction

  • Diastasis Recti Management

  • Functional Movement Techniques

Benefits of Pilates during the Menopause

Pilates can offer various benefits for women going through menopause, addressing both physical and mental aspects of this life stage. Here are some potential advantages:

  • Bone Health & Maintenance

  • Strength and Muscle Tone

  • Joint Health and Flexibility

  • Posture Improvement

  • Pelvic Floor Health

  • Weight Management

  • Mood and Emotional Well-being

Class Packages

Private 5 Class Package

5 private classes to use within 3 months from first usage.

Private 10 Class Package

10 priavte classes to use within 6 months from first usage.

Semi Private 5 Class Package

5 semi private classes to use within 3 month months from first usage.

Semi Private 10 Class Package

10 semi priavte classes to use within 6 months of first usage.